What does it mean to believe? To have an unwavering faith in a set of guiding principals or a leaders vision of specific objectives? The story in the Bible of Abraham preparing to sacrifice his child is an extreme example of belief. As far as I am concerned, and my guess is that every parent would agree, the thought of sacrificing a child is unfathomable and would be the greatest test of belief. No question for me, I'd fail.
Faithful followers of all religions understand that they have a connection with God which drives their actions. And in some cases, justifies them.
Similarly, followers of other non-religious groups experience the same phenomenon. A belief so strong, that their behavior or activities are spurred by their personal belief in the leaders, or the groups, set of beliefs.
If you have never reviewed the study by Phillip Meyer, which he conducted to test his 'German's-are-different' hypothesis, it is well worth a few minutes of your time. If you have, then you already understand how the obedience demonstrated by the minions and leaders in the current administration is orchestrated. Or any past administration for that matter.
But lets deal with the current one. Is it possible that the relentless demonization by President Obama of his opponents has created an environment in his administration where the defeat of those opponents is to be accomplished at any cost? Is the Smoking Gun in plain sight?
Why would a DOJ official think it ok to sell guns to drug dealers?
Why would the Secretary of State take full responsibility for four murdered Americans without explaining the events leading up to the attack? While claiming it wasn't terrorism when it obviously was? And then resigning?
Why would the Department of Labor classify a terrorist attack on a military base which resulted in the deaths of 13 Americans as workplace violence?
How does the Attorney General make a choice to secretly spy on our (previously) free press?
Why is the NSA collecting domestic phone records from over 100 million Americans? Yes - collecting, this is ongoing!
What would make an IRS official think it ok to profile specific political groups?
Why would the United States sign on to a UN law which might impact our own laws?
What would compel an FBI official to, prematurely and effectively, end the interrogation of a suspected terrorist by reading them their rights when they were not required by law to do so?
And why would the Health and Human Services Secretary risk questions of ethics by taking the extraordinary step of soliciting "donations" to help pay for the Affordable Care Act from the very medical groups the bill requires her to regulate?
And so, in the case of Sarah Murnaghan, who was ineligible to receive a lung transplant due to her age and an outdated law, the true face of The Affordable Health Care Act was revealed today (remember the 'death panel' claims?) when Kathleen Sebelius chose to punt rather than exercise her authority stating "I would suggest, sir, that, again, this is an incredibly agonizing situation where someone lives and someone dies". It is now crystal clear that government authorities, NOT OUR DOCTORS, will determine what care is in our best interest. Fortunately for young Sarah, a federal judge ordered Sebelius to suspend existing organ allocation rules to give her a better chance at a life-saving lung transplant.
Like Nurse Ratched, Sebelius clearly believes in the Health Care Act, the governments ability to make decisions in our best interest and the leadership which provides her with direction.
Success is best achieved with a strong supporting cast. Smart leaders surround themselves with a team that supports the same set of beliefs and all the better when they are capable of achieving the leaders objectives with little oversight.
Make no mistake - when a subordinate steps out of an administrations well known and clearly articulated line of beliefs, they are immediately reprogrammed or reassigned.
When administration officials continually outrage a great part if not the majority of its citizens with the decisions they are making (step out of line) and one of the consequences issued by their leader is a promotion, there should be no doubt about whose beliefs those officials are supporting.
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