Tuesday, May 21, 2013

We're not crooks, we're just incompetent.

The message coming out of the White House following a string of scandals is not reassuring. Considering that they seem to be saying the government is too big for the president to be aware of everything is concerning, especially given his health care bill will create the largest increase in the size of government since welfare was introduced. What then?

I don't expect the president to be aware of everything. But some things: the assassination of our citizens and attacks on our assets, his Chief of Staff and lead counsel having knowledge of intimidation by the IRS against specific groups of Americans, or say, his Department of Justice intimidating the press and violating it's privacy under the guise of national security. These seem like pretty big deals to me; things the president might WANT to be aware of. And all we hear from the president and his administration is the equivalent of "road-hog". They admittedly do not know what is going on around them.

As damaging and problematic as these domestic developments are for the United States, there is a regional storm brewing which has the capacity to become a global nightmare.

Buried in the news cycle is Israel's deteriorating national security situation.

Israel is justified in their concerns of what their adversaries are planning; these groups have repeatedly stated their desire to wipe Israel off of the world map. It is not news that Iran supplies Syria with weapons and Syria ships arms to Hezbollah in Lebanon. The news is, that Israel has conducted cross border attacks on weapon storage sites and other targets inside of the Syrian border and the ensuing tit for tat is now escalating.

Add to this the 'incompetence' of leadership our current administration openly admits and the global storm will now come into view.

I am afraid Obama's team has gotten just a little too far behind in their "lead from behind" strategy which has been a catalyst in each of the current scandals and bodes the same for Israel: too little, too late.

Lest you, dear reader, suspect me of advocating military intervention, anywhere, let me clarify what I am attempting to say: Stating there is no there there, in other words, stating there is no problem does not make it go away. Ignoring or avoiding a problem does not solve it. And attempting to deflect responsibility, pawning it off on "low level employee's in the Cincinnati branch", does not absolve one from their obligations.

The obligation to protect free speech seems to be of little or no importance to President Obama despite his lip-service to the media shield law. He sure has not voiced outrage over the invasion of privacy to the Fox News correspondent.

The obligation to protect Americans from harm does not appear to be urgent to Obama as we still do not know his whereabouts during the attack on Benghazi and subsequent murder of four Americans. We do know that he spoke by phone to Leon Panetta ONE time during the attack.

The obligation to bring the country together (as opposed to dividing it - racially - economically - politically - continually and repeatedly I might add) is apparently a low priority based on Obama's "ignorance" and subsequent actions upon "learning" of Americans who were politically targeted by the IRS.

As a conservative American, I have felt targeted for the last 7 years. I now know why. I was.

Israeli's must be feeling quite alone right now.

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