Monday, May 13, 2013

Here we go again!

"It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is." Wait, sorry, wrong story... well, same story, different circumstances. This time we don't have a dress with 'stains' on it. We do however have another president telling us to move along folks, nothing to see here.

The presidents comments today proved yet again, that without a teleprompter and script - preferably one refined 12 times, he is not the orator we were led to believe. The curtain has been pulled back on Oz.

By lashing out at his critics and insisting recent evidence of a cover-up is a sideshow orchestrated by partisan politics, his actions and words today prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he knows what happened and he knows it was wrong. He just can't get around to admitting it.

The Benghazi timeline clearly contradicts statements the president made today and has made in the past. There 'is' no disputing that fact. Regardless of what your meaning of the word 'is' is.

Understanding the spin President Obama himself put on this is critical. Not what Hillary Clinton said or did - she has her own cross to bear - not Susan Rice, not Victoria Nuland or anyone else. President Obama.

September 18, 2012
While making an appearance on the Late Show With David Letterman, Obama was asked about the Benghazi attack. The president said, “Here’s what happened,” and began discussing the impact of the anti-Muslim video. He then said, “Extremists and terrorists used this as an excuse to attack a variety of our embassies, including the consulate in Libya.” He also said, “As offensive as this video was and, obviously, we’ve denounced it and the United States government had nothing to do with it. That’s never an excuse for violence.”

September 20, 2012
When questioned by co-host Maria Salinas during an appearance on the Spanish language channel Univision "Do you have information indicating that it was Iran, or al-Qaida was behind organizing the protests?", Obama answered, "Well, we don’t know yet. And so we’re going to continue to investigate this. We’ve insisted on and have received so far full cooperation from countries like Egypt and Libya and Tunisia in not only protecting our diplomatic posts, but also to make sure that we discover who, in fact, is trying to take advantage of this."

September 25, 2012
During his appearance on The View the president states they are still gathering evidence and despite the weaponry used it is too early to tell if it was an act of terrorism.

Fact is, the white house was advised by new Libyan President Magariaf on September 12, 2012 that the attack was carried out by Islamic extremists with ties to al-Qa'ida and he was convinced it was premeditated.

The three events above and to be sure, there are more, when taken with his statement to provide us with the facts of the investigation as they collected them, the timeline of events as we now know them, clearly place President Obama in the compromising position of lying to the American public.

What other evidence do you need to acknowledge intentional deceit perpetrated by the president himself? During, let me remind you, an election period, that by all measures was very close at the time. A dress?

For her part, Hillary Clinton, while answering questions on the hill, was waving her hands and elevating her voice as if to say who are you to question me. What she actually said was "what difference, at this point, does it make"? The difference it makes, Mrs. Clinton, is confidence and trust in our leaders. Sadly, it appears from your history that you just don't get that.

Character matters.

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