Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Post Representative Democracy

Does anyone else wonder about the state of our country and what direction, exactly, we are headed? It is not unusual for countries and governments to evolve or change. It is however unusual for a country to transform into an improved and sustainable version of what it was while keeping the existing form of government and existing laws; sustainable being the key word. America's constitution is, in fact, an anomaly in history; a country whose government has followed the same set of rules for over 235 years is an exception.

The demise of past civilizations has been brought about by events like war, climate, economics and social unrest. Today, Turks rioted in the streets as their Prime Minister attempted to squash the widespread protests over the countries move from a secular nation to one highly influenced, if not directed, by the Muslim Brotherhood.

Our civil war, by historical standards, was (aside from the timetable) predictable. What was not, was that after the war, our government and constitution would remain intact.

So what will be our tipping point?

Could it be precipitated by social unrest as scandal fatigue finally erodes public confidence in our government to a point of no return? The latest is a cover-up by the State Department of sex and prostitution activities by that agencies staff and contractors. How will Hillary explain this one? Surely, even her most ardent followers must ask themselves where they draw the line. An assignment for you: have some fun and look up the name Patrick Kennedy (clue's: Under Secretary for Management, State Department, Benghazi, sex scandal). First Benghazi and now this. What else might he have touched? When a government spirals out of control, the citizenry soon follows.

Might it be war, brought on by our passive approach of dealing with the "Bad Guys"? Clearly, and despite the presidents insistence that the war on terror is over and Al-Qaeda is on the run, they are not done with us. No country has survived, completely, every war in which it engaged.

Or will Economics be the proverbial straw that broke the camels back? The very scary conclusion of this report is the permanence of the additional government expenditures, especially with the Affordable Health Care Act expenses looming large, not to mention increasing daily, as Nancy Pelosi (I love this video - it is the height of government arrogance and stupidity) accurately informed us, "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it". US Debt Clock, 16.8 trillion and still moving fast.

And unless a previously undetected meteor sets its sights upon us or Yellowstone decides to blow, climate, at least, seems to be the least likely near term candidate. Since selling his television station to the Emir of Fossil Fuels, aka Al Jazeera, aka the Qatari government, Al Gore seems to have picked up a new cause. So it appears that with regards to the climate, there is no there there!

Back on point now. Has President Obama figured out what happened in Benghazi yet? Will anyone connect the dotted lines linking David Petraeus' s affair and resignation with Hillary Clinton's version of the events at Benghazi? Has Eric Holder's investigation of himself turned up anything on the invasion of privacy issue? If the IRS profiling has been fixed as Elijah Cummings now states, why is Lois Lerner still on PAID administrative leave?

Where is our representation? Our country was founded as a representative democracy and that appears to be disappearing faster than water off a ducks back! Until something changes, our government is accountable to us, it is required to provide us with the truth, even when it hurts and regardless of the potential consequences. The absence of answers, of the truth, the only reason for dodging questions and spinning the conversation, is that those answers, that truth, will reveal guilt. And what should be most infuriating to all Americans, is understanding the singular, selfish reason behind these maneuvering cover-ups. To maintain their public image in order to remain in power.

This is not Representative Democracy. In fact - would these obvious attempts to keep one party in power succeed, and considering their current: constraints on political groups, identification of the regime as a necessary evil to combat societal problems, repressive tactics on opponents and a prohibition of anti-regime activity, and ever shifting executive power - it would be closer to an Authoritarian Socialist government.

To be fair, the intrusions on our privacy started long before the current administration, it is a bi-partisan effort. The cover-up of embarrassing activities is also shared by all parties.

I have to wonder, if our elected officials inability to work together, except when it comes to lying and cheating the American public, will be our tipping point?

"The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them.”  
Karl Marx

Have we come this far?

Keep the Turks, and all the oppressed around the world, in your prayers. And while you're at it, ask that Americans do not join those ranks.

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