...keep her out of it! Unlike Obama, she has a record, and it's clear - move on. We have a little over 3 years to investigate legitimate presidential candidates so lets get on with it.
Americans love thrillers, mysteries and conspiracy theories. In the absence of the (map) facts and when what we're told (the pieces) doesn't fit, investigators, to the best of their ability, must determine what happened. Sherlock Holmes made the process look easy but in real life it is much harder to sort through incomplete or misinformation .
Some puzzles are truly difficult and some are never solved, many of those originate in DC; go figure.
When we try to make sense of the political dysfunction over the last year and wonder about the direction of the next 3, it only stands to reason that we look ahead and consider what we know about the likely 2016 presidential field. Forrest Gump said "life is like a box of chocolates", he's right, and when it comes to presidential candidates, I suggest we poke every one of them until we find the one we want.
“How can one be well...when one suffers morally?”
Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace
In a report out today, aviation experts and NTSB investigators claim that evidence from the 1996 crash of TWA Flight 800 points to a missile as the cause, rather than static electricity as previously concluded. If true, this may link the Clinton's to yet another scandal and while it is currently nothing more than a conspiracy theory, it is plausible to say the least. It also fits nicely with the progressives working view that when it comes to terrorists, there is no there, there.
Unlikely, but we don't need this to exclude Hillary from our list.
The Clinton's have a long history of scandals behind them culminating with Hillary's involvement in the Benghazi puzzle; no map and missing pieces. Following her departure, the State Department during her tenure has been exposed as an utter sewer of corruption, cronyism, and fatal incompetence. After thoroughly investigating Whitewater, Travelgate and Benghazi can we really find reason to give her another opportunity to play America? On her quest for power, masquerading as public service, Hillary has put self-absorption and personal victory above all else. Do you think it a coincidence that her resignation came as the media finally shed light on Benghazi? And another coincidence that we find out about the General Petraeus affair on her way out? The State Department knew about it long before then. Make no mistake, things happen for a reason. Do not forget Hillary's comment when pressed on what ignited the Benghazi attack which resulted in the death of 4 Americans: "What difference at this point does it make?" The Clinton's have successfully side stepped accountability time and again by creating distance between them and the issue, and worse, making themselves out as victims.
You may remember that Monica's dress eventually forced Bill's admission of guilt after a pathetic debate on the definition of the word 'is'. But in the end Americans found more humor than criminality in his lack of moral compass. The focus of this behavior was on just one woman but history has revealed that Bill Clinton's discretion's would have made JFK blush. And Hillary stood by her man. Sad.
As we approach the election of 2016, I propose we drop the party loyalty and identify an honest public servant, one who willingly admits and corrects their mistakes, not doing so only when under the threat of impeachment. The job approval rating of congress makes two things clear, that we need a leader with integrity and we have had enough of career politicians. The democratic process will adjust for the right to left swings in policy but only our diligence conducting background checks will bring real change to the oval office. This time, lets not get caught up in the hype.
With that said, the sooner Hillary is dropped from the list, the better; America does not need another dishonest, self absorbed, career politician.
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