This elitist attitude displayed by President Obama has gone largely unaddressed by the media with few exceptions; one notable exception being this article published in the NY Times.
A presidents decreasing popularity within any particular group of voters is typically related to a specific issue and generally does not change the support from other groups. However when every voter demographic registers a decrease in support then one of two things has happened:
1. The president has failed to meet many, many promises with at least one promise specific to each and every voter demographic.
2. The president has crossed a socially unacceptable line of behavior that is registered on a subconscious level, if not outright, by all people.
You get to decide which it is.
For me, the moment I heard the president make his statement's about credibility, I was reminded of concerns I have suspected before. That this president believes he is above not just all Americans but all people. And while I will give him credit for his advanced academic education, which in my mind has not served him well, that is where it ends.
President Obama would do well to heed the 10 Traits of Humble Presidents written by Jeremie Kubicek.
Mr President - while you have sought for 5 years to separate yourself from congress to highlight your ideological and political differences, you cannot separate yourself from America's values. We elected you. You represent us. We are one.
“Our mind is the canvas on which the artists lay their colour; their pigments are our emotions; their chiaroscuro the light of joy, the shadow of sadness. The masterpiece is of ourselves, as we are of the masterpiece.”
Kakuzō Okakura, The Book of Tea
If you are unable to proudly enact the will of America and execute it as if it were your own will, whether you personally agree with it or not, you do not deserve the position. A President of the United States does not exist separately from the country or it's citizens and by looking down your nose upon the rest of us suggesting that you do, you have again displayed your disconnect with the average American and added yet another contentious chapter to your legacy.
You are right, your credibility is not on the line. Long before today's comments it was fading fast here in the US and abroad. The good news is that America's legacy is reinforced and supported by a new leader every 4-8 years. And unlike yours, America's resolve has not been forgotten by the world's leaders.
America, her people and values will persevere.
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