Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dezinformatsiya! Beware!

The Vince Lombardi offense has disappeared but Putin has taken a sheet from the Soviet Era playbook with this bit of disinformation.

Odysseus' plan to fool the Trojans was seen through by Laocoon as well as Helen of Troy... to no avail. Troy was sacked and whether the story is fact or fiction, we now know: Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes.

So too is Putin's 'Syrian Horse' editorial in the NY Times seen through by most of Congress and America. But will President Obama play the part of King Priam or listen to those who have instilled him with power? We will soon know. And considering that Iran continues racing towards the development of a nuclear weapon, North Korea is reputed to have re-started a nuclear reactor and Russia has announced they are reconsidering the sale of a missile defense system to Syria, we will also soon know the future of that region. China, by the way, is observing and tracking every player and every move.

In the meantime, Pelosi and Kerry are lauding the virtues of Odysseus's, I mean Putin's, efforts to mediate the crisis in Syria. Does 'fox in the hen house' or 'inmates running the asylum' mean anything to these [wise] leaders? They were both around before the collapse of the Soviet Union so are aware, or should be, of the practices that governing body implemented and surely must be aware of Russia's recent past when it comes to supporting UN resolutions against the bad guys.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Dempsey has indicated that the cost of war now will be huge but understanding we will be involved in war in that region if not now then in the future, the cost then will be greater. His letter to congress gives a brief yet clear indication that he is the right man for the job! Ultimately and sadly throughout history the president's advisers are just that.

With Sinon alongside the horse, sorry - I keep getting the names mixed up, I meant Putin... with Putin presenting the horse, whose advice will King Obama, dang it I did it again, King Priam... ugh... I meant Obama, whose advice will President Obama heed?

Like most, including President Obama, I believe that the great majority of all people around the world have nothing but good intentions. I am also keenly aware of history, recent and in antiquity.

There are now and probably always will be bad guys.

Ronald Reagan Quotes:
"Don't be afraid to see what you see."
"Trust, but verify."
"Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means."

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