Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My thoughts and prayers for the families who have lost loved ones and suffered injuries in this terrible crime!


President Obama finally got it right. Well, almost. Today during his press conference he acknowledged that this was indeed a terrorist attack and appropriately stated that we do not yet know if it was domestic or foreign based and whether it was committed by an individual or a terrorist organization. He added that the individual(s) responsible would feel the full weight of justice. Thank you Mr. President for overcoming your aversion to the "T" word and speaking to the whole country, not just the left. I know you stated during your press conference that today we are not republicans or democrats, we are Americans.

Today we are families who have lost loved ones, others who are clinging to life with terrible injuries and many beginning a life changing journey due to the loss of limb. And are American or happen to be in America. Yes, there are international citizens running in the Boston Marathon and they too are wondering what kind of person(s) would perpetrate such an heinous and cowardly attack.

I want to steer clear of politicizing this crime. I must, however, question the President as to why it took a full day for him to acknowledge it as a terrorist act. And while doing so, ask why after 4 years the Fort Hood Massacre remains labeled "workplace violence"?

Fort Hood Jihad

Were we really to believe the attack in Boston was anything but terrorism? What else can we call it when two explosions occur within moments and just yards apart, a third detonating (nearby) shortly afterwards, at a major international event, staged on American soil, all while the White House is being cordoned off?

And what else are we to believe about the attack at Fort Hood, especially considering the extensive evidence that: Hasan was in communication with al Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki prior to the attack, was wearing the garb of the shaheed the morning of his jihad, was giving out qurans the morning of his jihad, his business card read "soldier of allah" and he was ululating allahu akbar as he slaughtered our soldiers in cold blood? We cannot believe anything, other than, that religious savage is a terrorist.

It has taken President Obama 5 years to be able to call terrorists what they are - terrorists. Now I am calling on him to correct his past mistakes. Mr. President, it is long past time to call the crime at Fort Hood what it is. Label the attack terrorism.

The military has denied the victims a Purple Heart and is treating the incident as "workplace violence" instead of "combat related" or terrorism. This is Obama's Pentagon - killer over victim. Jihadi murderer over infidel victim.

Awlaki is dead, but Hasan is still on the army payroll. Please people, write your congressional representative today!

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