Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Please. Listen this time...

Democrats are practically unanimous against Trump. Never Trumpers largely continue to bash the president. The Deep State and associated intelligence agencies are soon to be revealed for the depth of their hatred of Trump and their illegal activities against him. It seems the entire government save some republican members of the House and Senate are fighting against him and his policies. Despite this, the President continues to fight for the will of the people who elected him.

You might think they are fighting against Trump. Impeaching him for his decisions. But you'd be wrong. They are fighting against me and impeaching my decisions. Me and at least 62,984,827 other Americans who took the time to say enough is enough.

It's not the man we support - it is the actions of the man; what he promised compared to what he has delivered. It's not because of his academic achievements, his distinguished oratory skills, or his social justice positions. It's because he hears and understands us, where other politicians are specious demagogues. It's because even when we are not present he represents us, while typical politicians represent their donors as soon as you turn your back. The one thing we all so desperately need and, sadly, most of us have accepted we cannot expect from our politicians, is the thing he inherently delivers. Trust.

"I see Americans of every party, every background, every faith who believe that we are stronger together: black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American; young, old; gay, straight; men, women; folks with disabilities, all pledging allegiance under the same proud flag to this big, bold country that we love. That's what I see. That's the America I know!"
Barack Obama

Learning the Pledge of Allegiance as a child I remember experiencing a sense of pride and belonging unlike any I had ever before felt. And to this day, I believe America has provided me with the greatest environment to take full advantage of all of life's wondrous and limitless opportunities. When referencing America and someone says lynching, I think emancipation. When another says military aggression, I think liberation. I look to the positive that follows the negative. That's the America I know.

"One of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. Perfection simply doesn't exist... Without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist."
Stephen Hawking

Most countries cannot claim that, in fact China, the worlds next largest economy, is literally centuries behind us when it comes to human rights.

And yet like China, and despite Trump's efforts, our government is working against the interests and desires of its citizenry. Consider this: last week the GAO reported it's update on median household income through July of this year. These numbers are a result of Trumps economic policies and have developed despite the Democrat's, Never Trumpers, and Deep States efforts to thwart them. You probably haven't heard about this report so I will share it with you. What you have heard is Russia, impeachment, and Ukraine. And wouldn't you say that your family's financial stability is probably more important than Russia, impeachment, and Ukraine?
So here's the main point of the report:
Median Family Income during Trumps Presidency, the 31 months through July 2019 has increased $4,144.00. Under 96 months of Obama, Median Family Income increased a paltry $1,043.00 and under the 96 months of Bush it remained essentially stagnant with an increase of just $401.00. But you don't even know about this recent economic success do you? Because of Trump's accomplishments, not because of collusion (disproved), obstruction (disproved), and now quid pro quo (disproved although the Dem's are not giving up on this one until they find the next one), your government is in full swing to impeach him. They have admitted that if they do not impeach him he may win again. Do you really think that they are doing it for their stated reasons? I'd say highly suspect since the "reasons" keep changing. Or is it possible that due to his (soon to be successful) efforts to expose the SWAMP that they are doing everything in their power to stop him? Take off your party glasses for a moment and think about it. Your government is fighting against a president despite the economic win, among other things, he is delivering to the country all because he is exposing it's seedy, self serving intentions. And why wouldn't our government do it? Others are.

It's happening in the UK where the citizens voted for Brexit but Parliament is fighting tooth and nail to prevent it. Does Parliament and its majority get to over-rule the wishes of UK citizens?

It's happening in Hong Kong where China is attempting to reign in the personal freedom's previously guaranteed under British rule. Why exactly is Xi's communist agenda of 'party first' better for Hong Kong citizens?

Be honest. What DO you think? Are you going to continue to trust the government swamp that Trump is exposing and YOU ALREADY KNEW existed (and you ain't seen nothin' yet - stay tuned)? Or are you willing to trust the first president to fight to achieve his campaign promises regardless of which special interest group he is pissing off?

"I don't actually subscribe to the view that all power corrupts. But absolute power - when secured on the back of massive parliamentary majorities, which don't reflect the balance of political opinion in the country - can corrupt absolutely."
Charles Kennedy

I believe in the America I dreamt of, when as a child, I learned the Pledge of Allegiance. The one where mistakes are corrected, honesty is a virtue, and we are in fact, all stronger together. Donald Trump is taking us closer to that America than any other president in my lifetime.

Wake up America!

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