Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What is the purpose of health insurance?

It's a simple question. Yet ask 20 people and the number of different answers might surprise you. For my purpose, the answer too is simple - to provide health care when it is needed.

The dangerous behavior depicted in the photo above is a perfect example of why you might want to purchase health insurance. At the speed he is traveling, with no protective gear and in the middle of traffic, he is an accident waiting to happen.
Assuming I am right, and I usually am, a law that provides health care to everyone when it is needed is on it's face a good thing. If the law provides everyone with insurance but NOT health care then it is a bad thing. If the government seizes control of private industry it is called nationalization, even if the IRS is the enforcer rather than the military. And finally, if the law is not a law then it is fraud.
Stay with me.
In general and with limitations, health care has been available to all people - even non-citizens visiting our country and illegal aliens. That's undocumented immigrants to my politically correct friends. If you do not have health insurance and break your leg you can still go to a county hospital and have it set. You might wait for 8 hours while the gunshot and automobile crash victims (who also didn't have insurance) were tended to but you would eventually receive health care. So while you might be hard pressed to find a private orthopedist who would see you without insurance the county hospital will not turn you away.
Industry regulations have improved our health and the environment for years. The explosion in regulations in the last few decades however seem to have increasingly more political motives. The Nebraskans For Peace really have a valid point regarding their concern for the contamination of a major groundwater source. Does that mean the government should assume control of the oil and gas industry because, as the Nebraskans For Peace state, "building the pipeline would provide oil companies more incentives for further development of the tar sands in Canada"? For the benefit of its citizens, is it better for a government which has proven time after time that it cannot effectively run an enterprise (See: The US Post Office, Social Security, Fanny Mae...) to nationalize an industry or rather to simply provide it direction (approved of course by a democratic vote - NOT BY EXECUTIVE ORDER)?   
In proving foresight may be vain;
The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men
Gang aft agley,
An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,
For promis’d joy!
-Robert Burns
Article 1, Section 7, Clause 1 of the United States Constitution specifically states that ALL bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives. The Affordable Care Act originated in the Senate (by no less than Harry Reid who was voted the most unpopular politician on the planet) with a "penalty" rather than a tax - and this is important - for not purchasing health care. When the legitimacy of the law went before the US Supreme Court, Chief Justice John Roberts spent several pages in his written decision explaining in great detail how the penalty mandate violates the constitution if imposed under the Commerce Clause. Then, he inexplicably, ruled that the mandate was a tax, not a penalty, and thus fell under Congress's constitutional authority to levy such taxes. The Supreme Court effectively re-wrote the law changing the penalty to a tax, therefore it did not originate in the House of Representatives as required by the US Constitution. Considering it was passed in the dark of night, behind closed doors, on a purely partisan vote, contrary to President Obama's promise of transparency, this law really is not a law at all. It is fraud.
It turns out that Vice President Joe Biden was right. This is a big effing (content edited) deal!
In the end we have a law which violates our constitution, nationalizes health care - meaning it will be run in the image and with the success of the likes of the US Post Office and the IRS, and due to doctors dropping out of practice and Medicaid roles swelling we may all soon be waiting in line at the county hospital for our health care. Not only doesn't this fraud provide more health care but appears to be reducing the number of Americans who actually have health insurance.  
So of what value then is Obama's promise of health insurance?

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