Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Tetrad: Four Blood Moons

Change is coming.

Of course the president and congress appear to be pushing it off again, the current proposal suggesting some time early next year. I find it stunning, literally unbelievable how our politicians - almost every one of them - run their campaign promising positive changes for the nations health and then immediately upon their election display the lack of courage necessary to take the steps required to accomplish just that.

Historically the Tetrad is just another doomsday prophecy. Maybe. But the science of predicting the astrological alignment creating a 'Blood Moon' effect is solid. The Four Blood Moons will occur.

Sadly, the same cannot be said for fiscal responsibility by the US Government. They have kicked the stability and security of the United States down the road again and are unwilling to make the tough choices and compromises required for our county's long term good health. The cowardice of our leaders foretells the struggles our nation and our children will face.

So much has been reported on the Tea Party's influence over the ongoing (could be ending today) budget and debt battle. But I haven't heard anyone recognize these facts:

The Tea Party did not create our $17 trillion debt.

The Tea Party did not create our $90 trillion (currently unfunded) entitlement programs.

The Tea Party did not support or are they responsible for the latest disastrous entitlement program wrapping its tendrils around the heart of our country's financial independence; the Affordable Health Care Act. It is not yet clear what this program will cost but health care represents about 20% of our economy or in the neighborhood of $2,500,000,000,000 annually. And like most government programs, cost overruns with this one are rampant -
The $2500 savings to each family promised by the President has become a $7500 expense.
The $900 billion estimated cost to implement the program now stands at $3.6 trillion and is climbing.
The $690 million price tag for the Health Care Act website appears to be a colossal waste of money as it does not work. And now we find out the real reason for the websites flaws... The design causing the websites access problems was intentional. It was purposely designed in a way that prevents an applicant from experiencing sticker shock by seeing the full cost of the insurance up front.

Who was overseeing this project? The NSA? Since they have all of our contact lists and email address books they could have just merged the information and signed up all of us automatically!

The Tea Party, however, is being blamed, in very hostile language I might add, by the President, the Democrats and even many Republicans for being the obstacle to our governments ability to spend more money. What is surprising here is that they are the ONLY voice of caution. The only voice of REASON!

For the record, the Tea Party supports health care for everyone. They do not support a government continually amassing greater power over the people or a bloated bureaucracy constantly imposing new taxation to satisfy its never ending thirst to spend without oversight.

Where is the voice for our children? Where is the voice for the future viability of the United States? Or for that matter the voice for the future relevance of the United States?  Certainly these wise men and women leading our country do not really believe we can spend beyond our means to perpetuity? We have to make a choice.

I urge you to take a moment to read this short bio on George Mason.

In 1787, Mason was chosen to attend the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, where he was one of the most vocal debaters.  Distressed over the amount of power being given to the federal government and the Convention’s unwillingness to abolish the slave trade, Mason refused to sign the Constitution.  One of three dissenters, Mason’s refusal to support the new Constitution made him unpopular and destroyed his friendship with Washington, who later referred to Mason as his former friend.

"As nations can not be rewarded or punished in the next world they must be in this."
-George Mason

 Yes, a change is comin'...

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