Thursday, August 29, 2013

What message is the DOJ sending? And where did it originate?

In yet another example of the Obama administrations priorities, the DOJ has decided not to sue a state in order to stop the federally illegal use of marijuana while proceeding to sue a state for their attempts to provide better education to it's students. What destiny or possible outcome will this provide? And do Americans still want equal opportunity or, like our current president, want equal outcome?

No, really, when it comes to this administration, I Don't Know is on 3rd, What is on 2nd and Who is on 1st! And Tomorrow is not just the pitcher, it is apparently when Obama plans on dealing with the country's problems!

Let me see if I've got this right:

Vouchers allow students to transfer out of a failing school and into a passing school where they will receive better education, thereby increasing the graduation rate.
Marijuana increases a students likelihood of dropping out of school.

Vouchers improve workplace productivity as higher graduation rates are directly linked to a better prepared workforce.
Marijuana will increase the demand on jails and prisons (taxpayers) since there are still federal AND state laws prohibiting it's sale and distribution. Not to mention peripheral crimes associated with all drug use.

Vouchers will improve the deterioration of the family since an educated and responsible individual is more likely to make better life decisions.
Marijuana, like any drug used to escape reality, slows or stops the maturing process and will therefore continue the trend of a break down in family values.

In an administration where decisions are based on pop culture and whatever feels good at the moment, is it any wonder the world now has less respect for America than at any previous time in history?

“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”

 Mahatma Gandhi

America should we not adjust course, our destiny awaits us. An unpleasant one at that.

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