Wednesday, September 11, 2019

How long has it been?

Too long!

Sitting alone in this room, as I knew I would be tonight, it still gets to me, I am restless. My entertainment, or distraction if you will, studying Mandarin in an online forum, glitched, and my next go to activity, taking in the days news, has only aggravated my condition. Initially lost to my conscious thoughts is the relevance of the date in America. 9-11. Initially. (It's my brothers birthday after all, I have reason to celebrate this date. Happy Birthday Rich!) The news brought it all back. Where I was, what I was doing, even clearly remembering what I was thinking at the moment I became aware of what was happening - I was irritated that my staff had stopped working and rolled out our portable TV to watch the news. Underlying my restlessness and always within reach of my thoughts, is the deterioration of our country. The fact that America is still the best place to live is of little comfort when we are no longer subject to the parsing of facts but to the constant creation of alternative facts. It weighs on me.

"All beliefs, habits, tastes, emotions, mental attitudes that characterize our time are really designed to sustain the mystique of the Party and prevent the true nature of present-day society from being perceived."
George Orwell, 1984

In a recent poll, only thirty one percent of Americans could name all three branches of our government. Roughly twenty percent could name just one branch of government. And a small percentage of people believe Judge Judy is on the Supreme Court. As unbelievable as this sounds, it is the best indication that all the political doublespeak is working. 

How else do you explain, on the 18th anniversary of the terror attacks on America that the man accused of masterminding the event is still awaiting trial? 

That post birth abortion is actually being debated?

Free health care to anyone who can successfully sneak into our country is supported by every democratic presidential candidate?

Support for peace officers has deteriorated to the point that the very people who need their protection the most, the ones living in the neighborhoods with the highest crime and murder rates, throw water and other liquids on police in defiance of their presence?

States and cities designating themselves as sanctuary, refuse to turn over violent criminals by virtue of the fact that they snuck into the country, and instead release them back into society where they continue to harm and kill others?

For the first time ever, 'No Religion', has topped a survey of Americans religious identity? And is it unrelated that morals and values associated with organized religion have eroded? (See post birth abortion above.)

Boys should be allowed to become girls and then share restrooms and even compete against them in sporting events?

Get off your soapbox, set your 'cause' aside and apply common sense. None of these pass the smell test. Go ahead - give these questions the 'from the mouths of babes" test - Ask any 5 year old if the questions above are good or bad. You already know what they will say. And its not because they haven't learned. Some information is innate. No, it's not that they haven't learned. It's that they haven't completed their indoctrination.  

But they will. Soon.

"The most confused you will ever get is when you try to convince your heart and spirit of something your mind knows is a lie."
Shannon L Alder

"Common sense is not so common."